Jaws droppage! Carter's flew me up to Atlanta last friday and I got a phone call from them afterwards that I got an internship with them! This month basically has been the most hectic in my life, I would think... I had senior thesis show, graduation, getting kicked out of the dorm the day after graduation, moving into new apartment, first interview ever, and the internship notice! now, it's matter of finding new place to live in Atlanta and surviving in Carter's... Hopefully I can ride through the current that's delivered by Carter's... So here I am, repacking my stuff I've unpacked in my new apartment... (-_-) But hey, I ain't gonna complain since Carter's gave me a new start on my career. Thank you Carter's! I guess I have enough time since I told them I'm going to start the internship on June 9th. Hopefully, all works out fine.... (>_<)
Oh wow! Congratulations! If anyone deserves it it's you, so good job!
I can't wait to hear more about how it is going--no one is better at cute things than you, so I imagine it will go well :D
Congratulation, Keita! That's fantastic, and I know it'll work out great. Have fun moving!
wow keita! man that's so awesome. i know you really deserve it, as much time as you put into that portfolio.
you. almost. died.
man i can't wait to see what you do at carter's! hopefully they'll let you post.
btw thanks for the comment on my blog. i really wanted to you see that piece, because it was all about the inner glow/outer glow stuff you taught me, but i'd forgotten to send it your way.
congrats again! i think you'll find atlanta's climate is a bit more manageable than washington state's
Congrats, man - If you need any advice on Atlanta, let me know, it's my home town.
Congrats! I wish you all the best!
bwahaha adorableeeeeeee I love the beavers!!
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