Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Kumon Summer Class Illustration

Volunteering work again. But this is for Kumon and not for Japan America Association.
Chronologically, I did these drawings for Kumon first and did the Dancing for Hope Poster second, but chroNONlogically, I posted this afterwards.
Those are drawings that goes along with email that is to be sent out to notify parents about summer classes during the summer to imprison and torture kids with loads of worksheets and homeworks.... ahem excuse me..... to improve skills with Reading and Math (and Japanese also). Hopefully, director of Kumon didn't read that part....
Well, to be honest, that's how I felt when I used to go to this Kumon as a student during middle school and high school....
But now I'm teaching here and I am realizing how important learning was...
and also confused by myself that I am teaching at a place where I absolutely shunned in going during my school years. I guess I'm here to fix my problem that I had long time ago.
Thanks to the director of Kumon Hideko Fujiwara, I was able to improve my math skills during middle and high school, and gave me an experience to teach by giving me a job as a Kumon tutor. So as a thank you, I volunteered in doing this for her.
This Kumon here in memorial drive in Houston is really one of important pivot in my life.
One thing I need to learn is writing in a proper English, darn it!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Houston Ballet Poster and Flyer


This is a poster I made for The Japan-America Society of Houston. Volunteering work it is.
People from ballet dancing and gymnastics gathered to raise fund for recovery from earthquake/tsunami disaster that occurred in Japan.
I talked to my friend Yuri who is a graphic designer and we both agreed that I put too much text and made it too big after the project was done.
There was nothing I could do about putting tons of text in it since that's what client wanted but I could've made the font smaller... at least for the Poster.....
I still need training.....
It's been a while since I pulled all nighter to finish a project since I took the project at a bad timing. Next time, I'll make sure I'll take project where I can have more time to.... at least sleep. Ok, I'm writing too much and I'm getting bored by my own writing. Heading to bed. zzzzz

Adding to that, I made a typographical mistake on the website to go purchase. Luckily, I made in time to fix and to have it resent to the printer (I think). I needed to check from 3rd person point of view to see if all the info was correct but.... deadline was on press to the extreme and I didn't get to do that since this was overnight work. I know that sounds like a lame excuse but it was really tough trying to keep myself awake for 2 days without sleep. This project really pushed me to limits with many things and now I know what to do and don'ts when it comes to taking a project.